Name | Department | Telephone |
Ayres, Nicholas (Dr) | School of Computer Science and Informatics | N/A |
Azuma, Zenas (Mr) | Leicester Castle Business School | N/A |
Babajide, Bola (Dr) | Leicester Castle Business School | +44 (0)116 257 7020 |
Bacon, Joanne (Mrs) | School of Computer Science and Informatics | +44 (0)116 207 8277 |
Baguley, Steven (Mr) | Faculty of Business and Law | 0116 207 8019 |
Bailey, Aimee (Dr) | School of Humanities | 0116 2577148 |
Bailey, Richard (Dr) | School of Engineering and Sustainable Development | 0116 207 8743 |
Baines, Emily (Dr) | School of Design | +44 (0)116 257 7417 |
Baines, Ning (Dr) | Leicester Castle Business School | +44 (0)116 207 8417 |
Baisa, Nathanael L (Dr) | School of Computer Science and Informatics | N/A |
Bajaffer MA FHEA PGCAP, Jamshid (Mr) | School of Accounting, Finance and Economics | N/A |
Baker, Annabelle () | Research | 0116 207 8232 |
Baker, Dennis (Professor) | Leicester De 51³Ô¹Ïapp Law School | 7348 |
Baker, Will (Mr) | School of Humanities and Performing Arts | 0116 257 7781 |
Bakewell, Lyndsey (Dr) | School of Humanities and Performing Arts | 0116 250 6125 |
Baldwin, Kylie (Dr) | School of Allied Health Sciences | +44 (0)116 257 7735 |
Ball, Vicky (Dr) | Leicester Media School | +44 (0)116 207 7586 |
Bamdad, Sara (Dr) | School of Allied Health Sciences | N/A |
Bannor, Bernard Frimpong (Mr) | Leicester Castle Business School | N/A |
Banoeng-Yakubo, Juliet (Dr) | Leicester Castle Business School | +44 (0) 116 366 4708 |