Name | Department | Telephone |
Calderon, Cam (Dr) | Leicester Castle Business School | 07402 884960 |
Campbell, Timothy (Dr) | School of Leadership, Management and Marketing | 0116 250 6389 |
Campion, Karis (Dr) | Research | N/A |
Canbulut, Murad (Dr) | School of Leadership, Management and Marketing | +44 (0) 116 201 3877 |
Canton, Robert (Professor) | School of Applied Social Sciences | N/A |
Caprifico, Anna (Dr) | School of Allied Health Sciences | +44 116 257 7699 |
Carr, Clare (Mrs) | Faculty of Business and Law | TBC |
Carroll-Mayer, Moira (Dr) | School of Computer Science and Informatics | +44 (0)116 255 1551 |
Carter, Neil (Dr) | School of Humanities and Performing Arts | +44 (0)116 250 6278 |
Carter, Rachel (Ms) | Leicester Media School | 0116 366 4347 |
Cartledge, Isobel (Ms) | School of Applied Social Sciences | 0116 207 8545 |
Cartwright, Edward (Professor) | Leicester Castle Business School | +44 (0)116 366 4385 |
Caruana Galizia, Marguerite (Ms) | School of Humanities | N/A |
Cassambai, Shabana (Dr) | School of Allied Health Sciences | 0116 366 4753 |
Cau, Antonio (Dr) | School of Computer Science and Informatics | +44 (0)116 257 7937 |
Cawthorne, Douglas (Dr) | Leicester School of Architecture | +44 (0)116 257 7442 |
Chai, Fiona (Dr) | Leicester Castle Business School | +44 (0) 116 3664 4643 |
Chan, Hiu Man (Dr) | School of Humanities and Performing Arts | 0116 255 3945 |
Chao, Jenifer (Dr) | Leicester Media School | +44 (0)116 257 7322 |
Chapman, Kate () | School of Humanities and Performing Arts | +44 (0)116 207 8738 |