
Full listing of 51³Ô¹Ïapp academic staff

51³Ô¹Ïapp Who's Who
Brown, Brian (Professor)School of Applied Social Sciences+44 (0)116 207 8755
Brown, Jack (Mr)Leicester Castle Business School(0116) 257 7253
Brown, Neil (Dr)School of Engineering and Sustainable Development+44 (0)116 257 7851
Brown, Olivia (Ms)School of Allied Health Sciences+44 (0)116 257 7758
Brown, Simon (Mr)School of Humanities and Performing Arts0116 366 4739
Brown, Stephen (Professor)School of Media and Communication+44 (0)116 257 7173
Brucoli, Federico (Dr)Leicester School of Pharmacy+44 116 257 7443
Bryne, Alex (Dr)School of Humanities and Performing ArtsN/A
Buczynski, Max (Mr)School of Applied Social Sciences0116 207 8745
Budd, Lucy (Professor)Leicester Castle Business School0116 207 8014
Burbidge, Helen (Mrs)School of Fashion and Textiles+44 (0)116 257 7573
Burt, Ramsay (Professor)School of Humanities and Performing Arts+44 (0)116 207 8478
Butler, Peter (Dr)Leicester Castle Business School+44 (0)116 250 6134
Butterwick, Caroline (Mrs)School of Humanities and Performing ArtsN/A
Byrne, Edmond (Mr)School of Arts, Design and Architecture0116 250 6529
Byrne, Eilis ()Research0116 207 8217
Calderon, Cam (Dr)Leicester Castle Business School07402 884960
Campbell, Timothy (Dr)School of Leadership, Management and Marketing0116 250 6389
Campion, Karis (Dr)ResearchN/A
Canbulut, Murad (Dr)School of Leadership, Management and Marketing+44 (0) 116 201 3877
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