
Full listing of 51³Ô¹Ïapp academic staff

51³Ô¹Ïapp Who's Who
Dale, Natasha (Miss)School of Allied Health SciencesN/A
Dalenius, Tove Noorjahaan (Dr)School of Arts, Design and ArchitectureN/A
Dalziel, Nurdilek (Dr)Leicester Castle Business School+44 (0) 116 250 6371
Danso, Albert (Dr)Leicester Castle Business School0116 250 6117
Dao, Tung (Dr)School of Leadership, Management and MarketingN/A
Daodu, Olabisi (Dr)School of Accounting, Finance and Economics+44 (0)116 250 6107
Darko, Andrews (Dr)School of Leadership, Management and Marketing0116 207 8282
Das, Gulesin Sena (Dr)School of Leadership, Management and MarketingN/A
Dattani-Demirci, Leena (Ms)Leicester Castle Business SchoolN/A
Daud, Rozina (Mrs)Leicester School of PharmacyN/A
Davies, Angela (Dr)School of Fashion and Textiles0116 207 8442
Davies, Jeff (Dr)School of Allied Health Sciences0116 257 7842
Davies, Jonathan (Professor)School of Humanities and Performing Arts+44 (0)116 257 7818
Davies, Philip (Professor)Faculty of Business and Law+44 (0)116 257 7819
Davies, Rhys (Mr)Leicester Media School+44 (0) 116 366 4345
Davis, Alexandra (Dr)School of Allied Health Sciences0116 250 6287
Davis, Angela ()Research0116 257 7381
Davy, Zowie (Dr)School of Applied Social Sciences0116 257 7844
Dawson, Grace (Mrs)School of Nursing and MidwiferyExt 4732
Day, Jacqui (Ms)School of Nursing and Midwifery+44 (0)116 2013938
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