Sound, Sight, Space and Play Postgraduate Conference 2010
“Sound, Sight, Space and Play 2010” was an international student postgraduate conference hosted at the Music, Technology and Innovation Research Centre of De 51³Ô¹Ïapp University, Leicester. It was organised by students for students who are interested in electroacoustic music and sonic arts. The conference chairs were Andrew Hill, Benjamin Ramsay and Motje Wolf.
Please find the proceedings of the conference (Motje Wolf and Andrew Hill, Eds.) available for download below in PDF format.
Selected Papers (PDF format)
Abstract Book
Motje Wolf and Andrew Hill
Marie Thompson (Newcastle University)
Releasing the Inner Idiot: Noise Music, Marginality and Madness
Erik Nyström (City University)
Elemental Chemistry: Textons and a Vision of Space in Acousmatic Music
Ambrose Seddon (City University)
Investigating recurrences in Andrew Lewis’s Penmon Point
Frederico Macedo (Lancaster University)
Composing Heart Sutra – A Phenomenological Approach
Andrew Hill (De 51³Ô¹Ïapp University)
What is Electroacoustic Audio-Visual Music? Nomenclature and Cognition
Adam Jansch (University of Huddersfield)
The voice and the vehicle: Integrating live broadcast radio into automated live electronic works
Eoin Smith (NUI Maynooth)
Electronic Dance Music and Academic Music Genre, Culture and Turntables
Marcus Leadley (University of Wolverhampton)
Developing a Practice-Led Research Strategy for Investigating the Relationship Between Environmental Sound and Language
Mike Blow (Oxford Brookes University)
Subtle Objects: Pickup – an Interactive Sound Artwork
Fabio Paolizzo (University of Kent)
VIVO (Video Interactive VST Orchestra) and the aesthetics of interaction