Presentation at Transformations in Learning and Teaching, 51³Ô¹Ïapp's Teaching and Learning Conference 2024, on Feeding competencies: train an AI with students
Invited Talk at SOAS, University of London Undergraduate Induction Event, on Digital Storytelling, 29.09.2023
Invited talk at PG Seminar on Digital media, communications and mental heath, at NIMHANS, Bangalore, India, 18.04.2023
Invited talk, panel discussion and Q/A on Media and mental health communications (Lessons learnt from BRIC), NIMHANS, Bangalore, India, 12.04.2023
Presentation on Cultivating Aspiring Leicester Minds, at Advance HE’s SustainabilitySymposium 2023: Top-down or bottom-up? How do we ensure all our graduates become sustainable citizens?, 30.03.2023
Presentation on The story begins: Community resilience, at Social Sciences Research Impact conference, University of Oxford, 20.03.2023
Presented on "Can social media influence policy and practice?" at MeHeLP Dissemination Conference, 02.03.2022
Presented on Creating or Curating Gender Specific Projects (Whys and Hows of creating or Curating art projects or festivals concerning gender issues and the funding for the same), In association with:Women's Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, India The Creative ArtsAcademy, India Australian High Commission, Indiam, 10.12.2020
Presented on Emotional literacy is central to emotional resilience: Lessons learnt, at, Third International Conference on Children’sHealth, Well-being, Education and Rights, Kosovo (Online), 01.06.2020
Invited talk, at, Probing the Role and Impact of social media on Major Aspects of Contemporary Life Conference, Asutosh College, Calcutta University, 22.02.2019
Keynote at MEHCON2019 conference Digital Media and Society, NIMHANS, Bangalore, India, 23.02.2019
Invited Keynote, at, InternationalSeminar on “Mass Media in the Era of Digitisation: Challenges and Opportunities", Sarada Kaksha, Rabindra Bharati University, 28.02.2019
Invited Keynote, on, "New Media and Contemporary society Conference", Jadavpur University, India, 17.07.2019
Presented "The migrant children school crisis: examining the intersection between media framing, neoliberalism and schooling in Leicester", at, Discourses Of ImmigrationAnd Citizenship: From Windrush To Brexit Conference Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association, De 51³Ô¹ÏappUniversity, 27.06.2019
Presented at 51³Ô¹Ïapp Teaching and Learning Conference, on Simulation games in Public Relations, 22.03, 2017
Presented probable research collaborations at University of Mumbai, Jadavpur University and Jamaia Milia Islamia University, India, August-September 2014
Globalisation and media in India, International Seminar, 11th December 2012, Jadavpur University.
Hosted the Scottish Media and Communication Association (SMCA) conference, 26th April 2013, Glasgow Caledonian University.
The role of media in changing Public Opinion in West Bengal, SGRS Post Graduate Research Conference, 12th May 2011, University of Stirling.
The Communist Party of India (Marxist) and its relation with media for 34 years in West Bengal, MeCCSA – PGN Conference, 4th-5th July 2011, Bournemouth Business Centre.
Attended IRISS workshop on Social Media, University of Edinburgh.
Attended the Scottish Graduate Summer School, University of Edinburgh and Herriot-Watt University.
The Communist Party of India (Marxist) and its relation with media for 34 years in West Bengal, ECREA Symposium, 16th-17th December 2011, London School of Economics.
Scottish Oral History Centre, Inauguration seminar, University of Strathclyde.