
Dr Subham Mukherjee

Job: Lecturer in Forensic Biology

School/department: Leicester School of Pharmacy

Address: De 51³Ô¹Ïapp University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: N/A

E: subham.mukherjee@dmu.ac.uk


Personal profile

Subham pursued his Ph.D. in Molecular Biology, Evolutionary Biology, Environmental Sciences, and Forensics from the Faculty of Science at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. His doctoral research focuses on the molecular characterization of the parvalbumin gene for evolutionary and forensic applications.

Subham also obtained a Master's degree by research in Forensic Biology from the University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom, where he investigated DNA characterization from the gut content of larvae of Megaselia scalaris (Diptera, Phoridae). Prior to that, he completed an M.Sc. in Forensic Science from the Department of Anthropology at the University of Delhi, India, and a B.Sc. (Hons.) in Zoology from Hansraj College, University of Delhi.

Subham's research interests encompass a wide array of subjects, including the molecular characterization and applications of the parvalbumin gene, DNA analysis for forensic purposes, fish identification, seafood adulteration, Next-Generation Sequencing, DNA barcoding, forensic entomology, and the application of bioinformatics and computational tools in research.

With a strong interest in molecular biology and forensics and a background in laboratory techniques, bioinformatics, and computational analysis, Subham has experience in qPCR techniques and assay design. His proficiency extends to DNA/RNA extraction, PCR, dPCR, genetic analysis, gene expression analysis, sequence alignment, STR/SNP analysis, Next-Generation Sequencing, and DNA Barcoding.

Publications and outputs

Published Articles

  • Cermakova, E., Lencova, S., Mukherjee, S., Horka, P., Vobruba, S., Demnerova, K., & Zdenkova, K. (2023). Identification of fish species and targeted genetic modifications based on DNA analysis: State of the art. Foods, 12(1), 228.
  • Mukherjee, S., Horka, P., Zdenkova, K., & Cermakova, E. (2023). Parvalbumin: a major fish allergen and a forensically relevant marker. Genes, 14(1), 223.
  • Mukherjee, S., Bartoš, O., Zdeňková, K., Hanák, P., Horká, P., & Musilova, Z. (2021). Evolution of the parvalbumin genes in teleost fishes after the whole-genome duplication. Fishes, 6(4), 70.
  • Mukherjee, S., Singh, P., Tuccia, F., Pradelli, J., Giordani, G., & Vanin, S. (2019). DNA characterization from gut content of larvae of Megaselia scalaris (Diptera, Phoridae). Science & Justice, 59(6), 654-659.
  • Mukherjee, S., Hanak, P., Jilkova, D., Musilova, Z., Horka, P., Lerch, Z., ... & Cermakova, E. (2023). Simultaneous detection and quantification of two European anglerfishes by novel genomic primer. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 115, 104992.
  • Mukherjee, S., Horka, P., Zdenkova, K., & Cermakova, E. (2024). Fish parvalbumin gene: Detection and quantification by universal primers for forensic application. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 128, 106029.
  • Mukherjee, S., Hanak, P., Zdenkova, K., Musilova, Z., Horka, P., Jilkova, D., & Cermakova, E. (2023). Development of plasmid calibrators for absolute quantification of the β-parvalbumin gene in Lophius piscatorius. European Food Research and Technology, 249(12), 3165-3174.
  • Čermáková, E., Mukherjee, S., Nováková, D., Horká, P., Zdeňková, K., & Demnerová, K. (2024). Parvalbumin Gene: A Valuable Marker for Pike Authentication and Allergen Risk Assessment. Journal of agricultural and food chemistry.
  • Zdeňková, K., Mukherjee, S., Marin, M. A. L., Horká, P., Kýrová, V., Potůčková, M., & Čermáková, E. (2024). Interlaboratory study on real-time PCR detection and quantification of the European anglerfish, pike, and seabream parvalbumin gene. European Food Research and Technology, 1-15.

Published Thesis

  • Mukherjee, S. (2024). Molecular Characterisation of Parvalbumin Gene: Evolutionary Insights and Forensic Applications for Fish Species Identification and Authentication (Doctoral dissertation, Charles University).
  • Mukherjee, S. (2019). DNA characterisation from gut content of larvae of Megaselia scalaris (Diptera, Phoridae) for forensic investigations (University of Huddersfield).

Research interests/expertise

  • Forensic Genetics
  • Fish identification and seafood adulteration
  • Forensic entomology
  • NGS and DNA barcoding
  • q-PCR primer designing for forensic purposes

Areas of teaching

  • Forensic Genetics
  • Forensic Identification and Investigation
  • Environmental and Wildlife Forensics
  • Forensic Medicine and Advanced Forensic Biology



Courses taught

  • FSCI3040 DNA profiling
  • FSCI3010 Forensic case study and presentation of evidence
  • FSCI1102 Foundations of biology for forensic science


  • Nanotechnology in Forensic DNA Analysis: Contribution to the proposed book Forensic Nanotechnology: A Comprehensive Guide.
  • Molecular Insights into Tropomyosin Across Insects, Crustaceans, and Fish: Comparative Analysis of Allergenic Potential and Forensic Marker
  • Advances in Forensic DNA Analysis for Insect Identification: Applications in Biodiversity and Forensic Science