
Dr Stephanie Cook

Job: Senior Lecturer in Psychology

Faculty: Health and Life Sciences

School/department: School of Applied Social Sciences

Address: De 51³Ô¹Ïapp University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: 0116 2506547

E: stephanie.cook@dmu.ac.uk



Personal profile

My primary research background is in Cognitive Neuroscience, with particular emphasis on the neural mechanisms underlying perception and cross-modal perception.

My PhD and post-doctoral research focussed on the neural mechanisms of smell and pain perception. I investigated how pain can be modulated by visual cues (e.g. comfort-giving, placebo and nocebo effects), and how these effects are reflected in brain activity. More recently I have become interested in how pain is represented in people recovering from surgery and/or sports injuries, and the psychological factors that predict pain perception in those populations. My research on smell investigated the effects of pleasant and unpleasant smells on perception of other stimuli, and how these effects are represented in the brain. I have maintained an interest in the cross-modal effects between smells and visual stimuli, and the impact that these have on fragranced product perception.

I am interested in nutrition and eating behaviour, and my more recent research explores the sensory aspects of smell and how those feed into specific eating behaviours, such as overconsumption. In addition to my primary interests, I have a broader interest in emotions and their neural correlates, and how humans perceive and portray their emotions.

In more recent years I have become particularly interested in pedagogical research, specifically student experience. One of my current projects is investigating how online learning and online learning spaces impact student experience and psychological wellbeing, and potential for flourishing at University. 

Research group affiliations

  • Cognition & Neuroscience, Health Psychology & Psychological Wellbeing

Key research outputs

  • Stephanie Cook, Katerina Kokmotou, Vicente Soto, Hazel Wright, Nicholas Fallon, Anna Thomas, Timo Giesbrecht, Matt Field, Andrej Stancak: Simultaneous odour-face presentation strengthens hedonic evaluations and event-related potential responses influenced by unpleasant odour. Neuroscience Letters (2018) DOI: 10.1016/j.neulet.2018.02.032

  • Stephanie Cook, Nicholas Fallon, Vicente Soto, John Tyson-Carr, Katerina Kokmotou, Anna Thomas, Timo Giesbrecht, Matt Field, Andrej Stancak: Pleasant and unpleasant odour-face combinations influence face and odour perception: An event-related potential study. Behavioural Brain Research (2017) DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2017.07.010.

  • Stephanie Cook, Nicholas Fallon, Hazel Wright, Anna Thomas, Timo Giesbrecht, Matt Field, Andrej Stancak: Pleasant and Unpleasant Odors Influence Hedonic Evaluations of Human Faces: An Event-Related Potential Study. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (2015) DOI:10.3389/fnhum.2015.00661

  • Nils Niederstrasser & Stephanie Cook (2020). Investigating the true effect of psychological variables measured prior to arthroplastic surgery on post-surgical outcomes: a p-curve analysis. The Journal of Pain.

  • Hannah Roberts, Vicente Soto, John Tyson-Carr, Katerina Kokmotou, Stephanie Cook, Nicholas Fallon, Timo Giesbrecht, and Andrej Stancak. "Tracking economic value of products in natural settings: a wireless EEG study." Frontiers in Neuroscience 12 (2018): 910.

  • John Tyson-Carr, Katerina Kokmotou, Vicente Soto, Stephanie Cook, Nicholas Fallon, Timo Giesbrecht, Andrej Stancak: The neural correlates of economic value and valuation context: An event-related potentials study. Journal of Neurophysiology (2018)

  • Andrej Stancak, Nicholas Fallon, Alessandar Fenu, Katerina Kokmotou, Vicente Soto, & Stephanie Cook (2018). Neural mechanisms of attentional switching between pain and a visual illusion task: a laser evoked potential study. Brain topography31(3), 430-446.

  • Vicente Soto, John Tyson-Carr, Katerina Kokmotou, Hannah Roberts, Stephanie Cook, Nicholas Fallon, Timo Giesbrecht, & Andrej Stancak (2018). Brain responses to emotional faces in natural settings: a wireless mobile EEG recording study. Frontiers in psychology9, 2003.

  • Kokmotou, Katerina, Stephanie Cook, Yuxin Xie, Hazel Wright, Vicente Soto, Nicholas Fallon, Timo Giesbrecht, Athanasios Pantelous, and Andrej Stancak. "Effects of loss aversion on neural responses to loss outcomes: An event-related potential study." Biological Psychology 126 (2017): 30-40.

  • Andrej Stancak, Stephanie Cook, Hazel Wright, Nicholas Fallon: Mapping multidimensional pain experience onto electrophysiological responses to noxious laser heat stimuli. NeuroImage (2015) DOI:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.10.028

Research interests/expertise

  • Pain perception
  • Olfaction
  • Cross-modal perception
  • Cognitive Neuroscience
  • EEG
  • Subjective valuation & decision making
  • Eating behaviours and nutrition
  • Psychology of sport and exercise
  • Online learning spaces 
  • Pedagogy and student experience

Areas of teaching

  • Cognitive Psychology
  • Biological Psychology
  • Research Methods
  • Professional Skills for Psychologists
  • Link Tutor - BSc Psychology, 51³Ô¹Ïapp Dubai


  • PhD Psychology
  • MSc Research Methods for Psychology
  • BSc Psychology

Honours and awards

  • ESRC funding for PhD research, 2012

Conference attendance

  • Poster presentation: “Pleasant and Unpleasant Odors Influence Hedonic Evaluations of Human Faces: An Event-Related Potential Study” Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, 2015
  • Poster presentation: “Simultaneous odour-face presentation strengthens hedonic evaluations and event-related potential responses influenced by unpleasant odour” Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, 2016
  • Poster presentation: “Pleasant and unpleasant odour-face combinations influence face and odour perception: An event-related potential study.” Federation of European Neuroscience Societies Annual Meeting, 2016
  • Poster presentation: “Pleasant and Unpleasant Odors Influence Hedonic Evaluations of Human Faces: An Event-Related Potential Study” British Neuroscience Association Festival of Neuroscience, 2015

Consultancy work


Current research students

Sidra Kousar: "Modes of influence using technology: A Behavioural Ecology approach to facial displays" - secondary PhD supervisor, October 2019-present

Internally funded research project information

IPS Small Grant funding – Feb 2020 – Investigating the sensory aspects of food perception and how these can contribute to overconsumption.
