Whitehouse-Tedd, K., Thomas, J., Duckenfield, M., Richards, N.L., Upton, S., Whitehouse-Tedd, G.,Phipps, L., Cale, H and Hall, S. First assessment of coprophagic feeding behaviour in captive Egyptian Vultures Neophron percnopterus and Hooded Vultures Necrosyrtes monachus: implications for wild vulture health in agricultural landscapes. Sandgrouse, 2024, 46, 30-52.
Olujimi, A., Gautam, L., Simkhada, P. and Hall S. Herbal Medicine Associated Casualty and Fatality in South West Nigeria; A Retrospective Analysis. Annapurna Journal of Health Sciences, 2023,4 (1) pp. 28–33.
Harris, R. L., De Paoli, G., Hall, S. and Nisbet. N. A. A Review of the Analytical Techniques for the Detection of Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids within biological matrices. WIRES (Forensic Science), 2023, Article e1504.
McDermott, R., Taylor, L., Housam, N., and Hall, S. The potential fire risk of emollients when dried on viscose bandages. British Journal of Community Nursing, 2023, 28(2):96-101.
Ridd, M. J., Hall, S., Lane, M.E., Roberts, A., and Williams, H.C. Burns with emollients. The British Medical Journal (practice – adverse drug reactions) 2022, 376, e066102.
Hall, S.W., Blackburn, K.J., Ferguson, L. and Pugh, P. Assessing the potential fire risk of laundered fabrics after contamination with emollients using ATR-FTIR spectroscopy and chemometrics. Science and Justice, 2021, 61, (6), 799-788.
Blackburn, K., Morrissey, J., Tabert, C., and Hall, S. Evaluating the Communication within Fire and Rescue Services and the NHS on the fire risk of emollients in accordance of the MHRA safety update. Fire and Material, 2022, 46: 277-286.
Aina, O., Gautam, L., Simkhada, P., and Hall, S. Prevalence, determinants and knowledge about herbal medicine and non-hospital utilisation in southwest Nigeria: a cross-sectional study. British Medical Journal Open (public health)2020, 10, 9.
Hall, S., Blackburn, K. and Morrissey, J. Exploring the flammability of emollients and skincare products. Fire , 2020, November 57-59.
Oliveira, A.R., Sardinha-Silva, A., Andrews, P.L.R., Green, D., Cooke, G.M., Hall, S., Blackburn, K., and Sykes, A.V. Microplastics presence in cultured and wild-caught cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis, Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2020, 160 1-6.
Hall, S., Morrissey, J. and Blackburn, K. The awareness of emollient flammability and current research. May 2020, International Fire Professional, The Journal of the Institution of Fire Engineers.
Peng, Y,.,Gautam, L. and Hall, S. The detection of drugs of abuse and pharmaceuticals in drinking water using solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Chemosphere,2019, 223, 438-447.
Hall, S., Franklin, L., Bull, J., Beard, A., Phillips, G and Morrissey, J. The flammability of textiles when contaminated with paraffin base products. Fire Safety Journal, 2019, 104, 109-116.
Peng, Y. Hall, S., and Gautam, L. Drugs of abuse in drinking water - a review of current detection methods, occurrence, elimination, and health risks. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2016.85, 232–240.
Hall, S., Gautam, L and White, G. The development of a novel adsorbent for collecting ignitable liquid residues from a fire scene. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 2016.122, 304–314. (IF 3.5)
Richards, N.L., Hall, S., Harrison, N.M., Gautam, L., Scott, K., Dowling, G., Zorilla, Z. and Fajardo, I. Merging Wildlife and Environmental Monitoring Approaches with Forensic Principles: Application of Unconventional and Non-Invasive Sampling in Eco-Pharmacovigilance. Forensic Research, 2014 5:3.
Kuleya, C., Cole, M., Hall, S., Gautam, L. An optimised gas chromatographic – mass spectrometric method for the chemical characterisation of benzylpiperazine and 1-arypiperazine based drugs. Analytical Methods, 2014. 6, 156-163.
Mewnesongole, E., Gautam, L. Hall, S., Waterhouse, J., and Cole, M.D.,Simultaneous Detection of Controlled Substances in Wastewater. Analytical Methods, 2013, 5, 3248-3254.
Richards, N.L., Hall, S., Scott, K.S. & Harrison, N.M. First detection of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug flunixin in sheep’s wool. 2011. Environmental Pollution, 159, 1446-1450.
Richards, N.L., Cooke, G. Hall, S., Scott, K., Simpson, V. & Harrison, N.M. Qualitative detection of the NSAIDs diclofenac and ibuprofen in the hair of Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) occupying UK waterways with GC-MS (short communications). European Journal of Wildlife Research, 2011, 57, 1107-1114