
Dr Gisela Oliveira

Job: Lecturer in Education Studies

Faculty: Health and Life Sciences

School/department: School of Applied Social Sciences

Address: De 51³Ô¹Ïapp University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: 0116 250 6578

E: gisela.oliveira@dmu.ac.uk



Personal profile


I am currently the MA Education Practice Programme Leader and I teach and supervise students on the BA Education Studies, the MA Education Practice and the Doctoral College.

I joined the education team at 51³Ô¹Ïapp in October 2018. Previously, I was a researcher in the School of Education at the University of Leeds, working on the project “Narnian Virtues: A Character Education English Curriculum”, funded by £1.1M from the John Templeton Foundation.

In 2017, I completed my PhD on “Transfer of Learning between Higher Education and the Workplace” also at the University of Leeds, and prior to that I completed a Master by research at the University of Coimbra, Portugal. In Portugal, I worked as a research assistant, an education technician, a project manager and as a training coordinator. All of these roles allowed me to explore different areas of adult education, leading me to a desire to work in higher education and explore issues around transfer of learning and the transition between university and the workplace.

My research interests are learning and teaching in higher education, namely issues related to transfer of learning, employability and the transition from education into work. I have also developed a particular interest in qualitative research methods.


Research group affiliations

Full member of the Social Sciences Research & Innovation Institute, De 51³Ô¹Ïapp University, UK.
Full member of the Centre for Social Justice and Empowerment, De 51³Ô¹Ïapp University, UK.Affiliate member of the Arts, Design and Performance Research Institute, De 51³Ô¹Ïapp University, UK.
Research collaborator for the Centro de Investigação em Educação de Adultos e Intervenção Comunitária (CEAD), University of Algarve, Portugal -

Publications and outputs

Blog Posts

  1. Oliveira, G. and Sibley-White, A. 2024. 'Codebooks are not just for teams', SAGE Research Methods Community, 30 September. Available at:
  2. Oliveira, G. and Sibley-White, A. 2024. 'Creating a Codebook - where to start?', SAGE Research Methods Community, 2 September. Available at:
  3. Sibley-White, A. and Oliveira, G. 2024. 'What is a Codebook?', SAGE Research Methods Community, 27 August. Available at:

Book chapters

  1. Oliveira, G. and Daya, A. 2024. Placements as Communities of Practice (CoP): Insights from a student and a lecturer’s exploration of CoP in a placement module in higher education. Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal, 5(2), pp. 129-147.

Journal Articles

  1. Oliveira, G. 2023. Placements as mediational transitions: an opportunity for negotiated, identity-shaping make belief experiences. In: Pulsford, M., Morris, L. and Purves, R. (eds.) Understanding Education Studies: critical issues and new directions. Routledge. ISBN 9781032284682
  2. Oliveira, G. 2022. Developing a codebook for qualitative data analysis: Insights from a study on learning transfer between university and the workplace. International Journal of Research and Method in Education.
  3. Hart, P., Gundarina, O., Paul, S-A., and Oliveira, G. 2022. Problematising conceptions of “effective” homeschool partnerships in secondary education. Educational Studies. DOI:
  4. Gundarina, O., Hart, P., Oliveira, G. and Paul, S-A, S. 2020. Effective parent-practitioner partnerships in children’s secondary education. Education in the North, 26(2) pp. 82-89.


Other outputs

  1. Oliveira, G. 2024. Identical Elements Theory – Key Reading Zine 5. De 51³Ô¹Ïapp University. Physical object.
  2. Oliveira, G. 2024. Employability and Placements – Key Reading Zine 4. De 51³Ô¹Ïapp University. Physical object.
  3. Oliveira, G. 2024. Untitled Communities of Practice – Key Reading Zine 3. De 51³Ô¹Ïapp University. Physical object.
  4. Oliveira, G. 2024. My Placement as a Mediational Transition – Key Reading Zine 2. De 51³Ô¹Ïapp University. Physical object.
  5. Oliveira, G. 2024. Expressive Self-Reflection – key Reading Zine 1. De 51³Ô¹Ïapp University. Physical object.
  6. Oliveira, G. 2024. Interrogação, exploração e criação: exemplos do uso de pedagogias creativas no ensino superior – A Dissemination Zine. De 51³Ô¹Ïapp University. Physical object.
  7. Oliveira, G. 2024. Work-Placements in Higher Education: How do mature students experience them? – A Research Zine. De 51³Ô¹Ïapp University. Physical object.
  8. Smith, R., Sibley-White, A., Oliveira, G., Daya, A. Page, G. and Metz, S. 2023. Easy Read theory prototype, Social and Cultural Capital.

Key research outputs


    Research interests/expertise

     My research focuses broadly in the area of teaching and learning in higher education and, more specifically, on transfer of learning in the transition between university and the workplace. I am particularly interested in students’ experiences of work-placements and internships while at university, and how these experiences may enable them to develop a “professional identity”. I am also interested in the development and exploration of qualitative research methods to investigate the transition between university and work.

    I can supervise research students in the following areas: Higher Education teaching and learning; transitions in HE and to employment; employability in HE; comparative education.


    Areas of teaching

    I teach on the BA Education Studies, MA Education Practice and the Doctoral College on modules focusing on learning and transitions and research methods. I also supervise student dissertation for the BA and MA. 


    PhD in Education, University of Leeds
    MA in Training Management and Educational Administration, University of Coimbra (Portugal)
    BA (Licenciatura) in Education Sciences, University of Coimbra (Portugal)

    Courses taught

    BA L4- Thinking and Learning in Higher Education
    BA L4 - Perspectives in Education
    BA L4 - Childhood, Social Justice and Education
    BA L5- Preparing for Professional Practice
    BA L5- Global Comparative Education
    MA L7– Researching Education
    MA L7– Negotiated Study
    MA L7- Dissertation
    Doctoral College – Introduction to NVivo
    Doctoral College – Introduction to codebooks in qualitative analysis

    Honours and awards

    School of Education Scholarship, University of Leeds (2012-2015).
    Full Scholarship, FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (2015 - 2017)

    Membership of professional associations and societies

    BAICE - British Association for International & Comparative Education
    EERA Emerging Researchers' Group

    Professional licences and certificates

    Fellow, The Higher Education Academy
    Certificate of Pedagogic Competences, IEFP - Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional 


    2023-2027. The impact of co-created SEND education on future educators' perceptions and self-efficacy. With Rosi Smith , Emma Wright, Eden Turner, Sameana Asghar, Alicja Dziatkowiak and Isabella Florence. 

    2022-2025. Easy Read - Inclusive Access To Theory. Internally funded Institute for Research in Criminology, Community, Education and Social Justice project with Rosi Smith, Angie Sibley-White and Sam Metz. 

    2022-2025. Education Studies Students’ experiences of the transition between university and the workplace in short-term placements.

    Professional esteem indicators


    2021 – 2025: External Examiner for MA Education and MA Educational Innovation at Warwick University.

