
Dr Rachael Ita

Job: Senior Lecturer in law

Faculty: Business and Law

School/department: Leicester De 51³Ô¹Ïapp Law School

Address: De 51³Ô¹Ïapp University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: 0116 366 4563

E: rachael.ita@dmu.ac.uk


Personal profile

Dr Rachael Ita is a Senior Lecturer in Law. She joined the Law School in January 2020. Her research interests is in the field of international human rights law with a particular focus on modern slavery and domestic abuse.

Her recent scholarship has focused on the interpretation of the European Convention on Human Rights and the role of the margin of appreciation and living instrument doctrines in ensuring the effective protection of human rights.

Prior to joining De 51³Ô¹Ïapp Law School, Rachael was a Lecturer in Law at the University of Derby and Programme Leader of the LLM provision at the Derby Law School. She also taught across the undergraduate and postgraduate programmes.

Outside of her professional responsibilities, Rachael serves as a Director in two faith based organisations:  New Life Church, a faith organisation in the City of Derby and Assemblies of God (GB), a national organisation.

Rachael enjoys outdoor activities such as running, walking, hiking and cycling. She is passionate about maintaining a healthy lifestyle and inspiring outhers to achieve their fitness goals.

Research group affiliations

The Institute for Responsible Business and Social Justice

Centre for Law and Social Justice

Research interests/expertise

International human rights law, domestic abuse, ethnicity awarding gap

Areas of teaching

International Human Rights Law, International Law, Land law, Immigration and Refugee Law


LLB (Hons) (University of Calabar, Nigeria)
BL: (Nigerian law School, Bwari, Abuja)
LLM: Commercial Law (with distinction) (University of Derby)
PG Cert HE: (University of Derby)
PhD: International Human Rights Law (University of Derby)

Courses taught



Membership of external committees

Trustee, Assemblies of God (AoG) GB

Membership of professional associations and societies

Higher Education Academy (Fellow)

Society of Legal Scholars (Member)
European Society of International Law (Member)

International Law Society (British Branch)


Conference attendance

  • Ita, R (2023) ‘Teaching International Law to a Multicultural Student Cohort: Challenges and Opportunities’ - Hybrid International Workshop on Rethinking Research and Teaching on International Law: Challenges and Prospects – University of Leicester, 22 November 2023 

  • Ita, R. (2019) ‘Mind the Gap: The Impact of Margin of Appreciation and Living Instrument Arguments on the Scope of Applicability of the European Convention on Human Rights’ – Society of Legal Scholars Conference - University of Central Lancashire, 3 – 6 September 

  • Ita, R. (2016) 'The Evolution of the Margin of Appreciation Doctrine: A Case of Diplomacy in International Human Rights Adjudication?' Proceedings of the International Conference on Diplomacy and International Relations, Derby, 12 September- Available at < > 

  • Ita, R. (2015) 'The Interpretation of the ECHR as a Living Instrument: Demise of the Margin of Appreciation Doctrine?' - Workshop on the European Court of Human Rights for Doctoral Students - University of Tampere, Finland, October - Available at <https://blogs.uta.fi/ecthrworkshop/2015/12/07/rachaelita/ > 

  • Ita, R. (2014) 'The Margin of Appreciation and the Living Character of the European Convention on Human Rights: Comparing Two Incomparable Worlds?' - British Association of Comparative Law Postgraduate Research Workshop on Comparative Law - University of Manchester, May 

  • Ita, R. (2012) 'The Margin of Appreciation and the Living Instrument Character of the European Court of Human Rights' - New Horizons Conference - University of Derby, January. 

Recent research outputs

  • Ita R & Hicks D. (2021), 'Beyond Expansion or Restriction? Models of Interaction between the Living Instrument and Margin of Appreciation Doctrines and the Scope of the ECHR' International Human Rights Law Review 10(1) 30-74 



Current research students

Bestmand, Samuel (2nd Supervisor) - 'A Critical Evaluation of the Customary Justice System in Nigeria: A Human Rights Approach for Integration'

Ojukwu, Cynthia Lewechi (2nd Supervisor), 'Restorative Justice for Gender-Based Violence Crimes in Nigeria' 

ORCID number

External Examiner 

September 2024 - External Examiner University of Chichester

Leadership Roles

51³Ô¹Ïapp Law Awarding Gap Lead

Faculty of Business and Law Academic Practice Officer (APO)
