Jones, S. and de Main, L. (2025) Quality on the Block in Weldon, J. and Konjarski, L. (eds) Block Teaching Essentials. Singapore: Springer Nature, pp.139-153.
Wilkinson, M. and de Main, L. (2024) "Creating Inclusive Spaces for Inclusive Events" Times Higher Education []
Allman, Z. and de Main, L. (2024) "Sprinting in Hindsight: What we learned from validating university programmes at pace" Times Higher Education []
Gandy, R., Wolstencroft, P., Geer, K. and de Main, L. (2023) "Clear Vision: a step towards unravelling student recruitment in English Universities", Benchmarking: An International Journal. DOI: 10.1108/BIL-02-2023-0094.
Hulene, G., Cronshaw, S., Davies, E., de Main, L., Holmes, H., Wolstencroft, P. (2023) Student Engagement Guidelines: Learning from innovative practices introduced in response to Covid-19. A collaboration of ten UK modern unversities. Quality Assurance Agency []
de Main, L. and Jones, S. (2022) "Sprint to the Finish: redesigning university programme validation" Times Higher Education []
de Main, L., Holmes, H. and Wakefield, L. (2022) "Why Won't They Engage in Extra-Curricular Opportunities?" Advance HE []
Xia, S., Ling, Y., de Main, L., Lim, M. K., Li, G., Zhang, P. and Cao, M. (2022) Creating a Low Carbon Economy through Green Supply Chain Management: Investigation of willingness-to-pay for green products from a consumer's perspective. International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications. 27 (7) 1154-1184 DOI: 10.1080/13675567.2022.2115988
Wolstencroft, P., Kivits, R. and de Main, L. (2021) "Finding a Balance: Leadership in a time of crisis" Wonkhe []
Wolstencroft, P., de Main, L. and Kivits, R. (2021) "Sorry about the mess” – vulnerability and authenticity in an online world British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society
de Main, L. and Wolstencroft, P. (2021) Value for Money or a Transformative Experience: What do students actually value about university? Chartered Association of Business Schools []
Wolstencroft, P. and de Main, L. (2021) Clearing the Final Hurdle: Getting Students to Engage with Feedback in Higher Education. SHS Web of Conferences, 99, 01008.
Wolstencroft, P., de Main, L. and Cashian, P. (2021) Dealing with Something Completely Different: How further and higher education leaders responded to the unexpected []
Wolstencroft, P., de Main, L. and Cashian, P. (2020) Achieving Teaching Excellence: Developing your TEF Profile and Beyond. Maidenhead: Open University Press
Wolstencroft, P. and de Main, L. (2020) 'Why Didn't You Tell Me That Before?' Engaging Students in Feedback within UK Higher Education. Journal of Further and Higher Education. 45 (3), 312-323 DOI:10.1080/0309877X.2020.1759517
de Main, L. and Wolstencroft, P. (2020) 'The Role of Widening Participation'. British Education Research Association, Research Intelligence Special Issue 143 (2020), 27-28