
Dr Alwyn Jones

Job: Associate Professor

Faculty: Business and Law

School/department: Leicester De 51³Ô¹Ïapp Law School

Research group(s): Human Rights Research Group

Address: The Gateway, De 51³Ô¹Ïapp University, Leicester, UK, LE1 9BH

T: + (0)116 207 8045

E: apjones@dmu.ac.uk

W: /bal


Personal profile

Alwyn teaches Constitutional & Administrative Law, Housing & Homelessness Law and Immigration & Refugee Law at undergraduate level. He has written on housing law, human rights and lawyers' ethics.

He was the co-ordinator for our client interviewing and mooting competitions. He co-ordinates Street Law, the Bar Futures Programme and the Law School Book Club. 


In 2024, he was the Law School's champion for LearningZone, our new virtual learning environment, and a MORE Digital champion. He is a Law School representative on the Faculty IT User Group.

Publications and outputs


Key research outputs

(Co-authored with Professor Nigel Duncan) "Developing reflection on values as a foundation for a business career" in Handbook on Teaching Ethics in Business and Management Education, (eds) Charles Wankel and Agata Stachowicz-Stanusc (Hershey, Information Science Reference 2011)

Research interests/expertise

Constitutional and administrative law, housing and homelessness law; human rights law, refugee law and social justice; lawyers' skills and ethics

Areas of teaching

Constitutional & Administrative Law, Housing & Homelessness Law, Human Rights Law, Immigration & Refugee Law 


LLB (Hons) (Bristol, 1994), LLM (Essex, 1995), PhD (Leicester, 2007).    

Senior Fellow of Advance HE - Higher Education Academy

Courses taught

Constitutional & Administrative Law, Housing & Homelessness Law, Human Rights and Social Justice, Immigration & Refugee Law.

Honours and awards

Vice-Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award, 2007 and 2018

Membership of external committees


Conference attendance

UK and Ireland Street Law Conference, 2024

Peace, Justice and Empowerment Conference at De 51³Ô¹Ïapp University 2023, presented paper on "Is there a hierarchy of refugees?"

Law, Justice and Empowerment Conference at De 51³Ô¹Ïapp University 2022

Recent research outputs


Current research students

I am supervising four PhD students, and I previously supervised two PhD students to successful completion. 

Internally funded research project information

I am a member of a research team investigating the risks of labour exploitation for seasonal agricultural workers. This HEIF funded research project is led by Karen Lawson.  

Professional esteem indicators

He has peer reviewed journal articles for the International Journal of Clinical Legal Education, the Law Teacher and the UK Journal of Animal Law.
