
Ms Sophia Mavridi

Job: Senior Lecturer in Educational Technology & English Language Teaching; Digital Learning Lead of CELL

School/department: School of Humanities and Performing Arts

Address: De 51³Ô¹Ïapp University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH

T: N/A

E: smavridi@dmu.ac.uk


Personal profile

I teach on the Master’s in ELT programme, helping students develop the theoretical and practical skills needed to become effective, critical, and reflective English language practitioners and researchers. I also supervise dissertations within the programme.
Additionally, as the Digital Learning Lead of the Centre for English Language Learning (CELL), I oversee its digital strategy, ensuring it aligns with pedagogical best practices. I led the development of CELL’s Online Summer Pre-sessional Programme, which was moved online during the pandemic. Thanks to its strong pedagogical foundation and regular updates prioritising interaction and engagement, the programme has continued to thrive and remains a sector-leading choice for international students.
I have extensive consultancy experience with major organisations such as the British Council, NILE, Bell Foundation, and Macmillan Education. My publications, including Language Teaching Experiences during COVID-19 (British Council) and English for 21st Century Skills (Express Publishing), demonstrate my commitment to advancing innovative pedagogies in language education. Building on this foundation, my current research explores L2 students’ experiences with AI-assisted writing in Higher Education
Before transitioning to academia, I worked as a primary and secondary school English teacher, later serving as a Director of Studies, Cambridge examiner, and digital learning consultant. This extensive background informs my teaching, research, and curriculum design, enabling me to create programmes that are pedagogically robust, practical, and aligned with the evolving needs of both students and teachers.
I am passionate about bridging research and practice, ensuring that teaching is evidence-based and that research remains grounded in classroom realities.

Publications and outputs

Peer-reviewed journals

  • Mavridi, S. (2023). Master’s degree programmes and the development of language teacher TEL expertise in times of digital transformation. Studies in Technology Enhanced Learning, 3(2).
  • Mavridi, S. (2022). Emergency Remote Teaching and me: An autoethnography by a digital learning specialist during Covid-19. Studies in Technology Enhanced Learning, 2(3)
  • Lee, K., Sulaimi, S. A., Leach, T., Lefaiver, M. L. M., Mavridi, S., Obexer, R., Petsiotis, K., & Villalba, K. (2022). A collective reflection on doing an autoethnography in online doctoral education. Studies in Technology Enhanced Learning. 2(3).
  • Mavridi, S. (2018). Digital Language Learning and Teaching: Research, Theory, and Practice. ELT Journal, 72(4), 459-461


  • Mavridi, S. (2022). Language teaching experiences during Covid-19. British Council.
  • Mavridi, S. & Xerri, D. (Eds). (2020). English for 21st Century Skills. Berkshire: Express Publishing.
  • Mavridi, S. & Saumell, V. (Eds.) (2020). Digital Innovations & Research into Language Learning. Faversham: IATEFL.

Book Chapters

  • Mavridi, S. (2023). Language education during the pandemic: Lessons learned and directions for change. In S. Kourieos & D. Evripidou (Eds) Language Teaching and Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Shift to a New Era (pp. 1-17). Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
  • Mavridi, S. (2020). Digital literacies and the new digital divide. In S. Mavridi & D. Xerri (Eds.), English for 21st Century Skills (pp. 90-96). Berkshire: Express Publishing.
  • Mavridi, S. (2020). Fostering students’ digital responsibility, ethics and safety skills (DRESS). In S. Mavridi & V. Saumell (Eds.), Digital innovations and research in language learning (pp. 170-196). Faversham: IATEFL.
  • Mavridi, S. (2020). Rethinking the use of mobile devices in the classroom. In T. Pattison (Ed.), IATEFL 2019: Liverpool conference selections (pp. 77-79). Faversham: IATEFL.
  • Mavridi, S. (2019). We need pedagogy, not just coll tools. In T. Pattison (Ed.), IATEFL 2019: Brighton conference selections (pp. 78-80). Faversham: IATEFL.

Research Reports

  • Kiddle, T., Farrell, C., Glew-O’Leary, J. and Mavridi, S. (2020). A survey of instances of, and attitudes to, Hybrid Learning in Language Teaching Organisations around the world as a response to the Covid-19 pandemic [Research Report]. Norwich Institute for Language Education (NILE). Retrieved from

Research interests/expertise

  • Technology-enhanced language learning
  • AI in L2 writing in Higher Education
  • AI Literacies
  • Digital literacies
  • Phenomenography
  • Thematic Analysis
  • TESOL teacher education

Areas of teaching

  • MA in ELT
  • Trends & Issues in ELT (Module leader)
  • Technology in TESOL
  • TESOL Methodologies
  • Research Methods
  • English for Academic Research Purposes


  • PhD ABD (Lancaster University)
  • MA (Distinction) in Educational Technology & TESOL (University of Manchester)
  • Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy
  • Cambridge Delta (Diploma, level 7)
  • BA in Education (Hons)

Courses taught

  • MA in English Language Teaching
  • MA in TESOL
  • English For Academic Research Purposes
  • English for Academic Success

ORCID number
