Participation in conferences/workshops and invited talks (selected):
(2024) Austerity anew in the midst of post-pandemic inflation, cost of living and debt crises, 14th Annual Conference in Political Economy, International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy (IIPPE), Istanbul Bilgi University, 5 September.
(2024) British Journal of Politics and International Relations (BJPIR) Roundtable - John Peterson Best Paper Prize: ‘Guided by the science – (De)politicising the UK government’s response to the coronavirus crisis’ by Steven Kettell and Peter Kerr, Invited roundtable contributor, PSA Annual Conference, Glasgow, 27 March.
(2024) Taking Stock: Faculty Perspectives on Block Teaching from the Subject Areas of Politics and IR, English and History, Roundtable organiser and contributor, 51³Ô¹Ïapp Learning and Teaching Conference, Leicester, 7 February.
(2023) Labour Geography, Articulations of Agency and the Spatial Politics of Authoritarianism, Invited panel discussant, The Annual Royal Geographical Society-Institute of British Geographers (RGS-IBG) Conference, Imperial College London, 31 August.
(2023) Teaching IPE in Challenging Times, Roundtable contributor, BISA Annual conference, 21 June.
(2022) Financial Subordination in the Semi-Periphery, Central Banking, and the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic: Case of Turkey (with David Karas), POLSIS Political Economy Research Group ‘work-in-progress’ workshop ‘Political Economy after the Covid Crisis: Shifting research agendas’, University of Birmingham, 15- 16 June.
(2022) Financial Subordination and Evolution of Central Banking in the Pre- and Post-Covid Era: Cases of Hungary and Turkey (with David Karas), PSA Annual Conference, 11 April.
(2021) Politics of (Higher) Education in the UK: Reproduction, Restructuring and Resistance (with Alex Sutton), PSA Annual Conference, 30 March.
(2018) Premises and challenges of progressive politicisation under austerity and repression, Invited speaker, Socialist Theory and Movements Seminar Series, University of Glasgow, 20 November.
(2017) Academic Freedom in the era of Repressive Neoliberalism (with Anil Duman), COSMOS Conference, The Contentious Politics of Higher Education: Student Movements in Late Neoliberalism, 15-16 November, Florence and ‘Academic Freedom and Politics’ Conference, LMU, 8-9 December, Munich.
(2017) British Immigration Policy, Depoliticisation and Brexit (with Alex Sutton), 3rd SVOC Conference, 30 November-1 December, Budapest.
(2016) Post-2008 transformations and restructuring in Hungary and Turkey: Challenging mainstream explanations, 2nd Conference on The Role of State in Varieties of Capitalism, Central European University, Budapest, 10-11 November.
(2015) Crisis, Depoliticisation and Repoliticisation in the European Periphery: Reflections from Hungary and Turkey, ECPR Joint Sessions, University of Warsaw, Poland, 29 March - 2 April; and Hungarian Particularism in the European Union: Politico-Legal Perspectives, conference organised by the Center For European Union Research (CEU) and The Lendület-Hpops Research Group (MTA), Central European University, 15 May.
(2014) Crisis, Authoritarianism and June Uprising in Turkey, presented at the Association for the Study of Nationalities and Central European University, Nationalist Responses to Economic and Political Crises, International Conference, Budapest, 2-14 June.
(2014) Understanding Gezi Protests in the Depoliticisation-Politicisation Nexus”, presented at the International Conference “June Uprising in Turkey: Background, Dynamics and Perspectives”, University of Kassel, Germany, 15-16 May.
(2013) Forms of Depoliticisation: The Turkish and Italian Experiences in Historical Perspective, (with Simona Pino), presented at the PSA Annual Conference, Cardiff, 25-27 March.
(2012) Revisiting the Debate on Open Marxism and Implications for the Study of “the International”, (with Alex Sutton) presented at the First Spectrum Conference on Global Studies, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, 2-3 November.
(2011) Assessing the “Success” of Depoliticisation Strategy in Economic Policy Making: Turkish Case in the 2000s, PSA Annual Conference, London, 19-21 April.
(2010) Politics of Crisis Management: a Re-assessment of the Turkish Case, presented in the Crisis, Rupture, Anxiety Conference, University of Salford, Manchester, 9-10 September.